Monday, June 10

Principles of Economies

Principles of Economies
As for the subject, Principles of Economies the topic that I love the most is the Price Theory of Demand. This topic is about how buyers decide when buying goods or services, and other factors that influence their decisions. It is my favorite topic among all is because it is interesting, quite easy to understand and I could learnt as a buyer, how do I decide when buying something, also how does the price affects the response from the buyers.

While, my least favorite topic is the Market Competition. It is about the characteristics of the markets in economies which are divided into 4 categories according to the strength of the competition in that market. For examples, the 4 categories are monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition and perfect competition. I don’t really like it was due to that this topic are divided into three parts and it is a very long topic. And, it was very hard to store it in my brain instantly. If I could make this topic to look more attractive, I would use almost the same way as how my lecturer, Mr. Joe had done which is by giving us a cheat sheet. Also, it would be better to have more in class exercise. However, if this topic can be shorter in some ways and thus, it would be better.

As a final point, the topic which I find the most useful and applicable to my everyday life and future studies is the first topic, the introduction of Principles of Economies. Through this topic, I had learned how important is the economies of a country or anyone that could affect us. It is very useful in my everyday life because I had learned to think twice before making a decisions especially when it involves the managing of scarce or limited resources. While for my future studies, I guess this topic would be applicable during my internship as I need to clearly know how to make important decisions.

Lastly, I had enjoyed myself in the class and I love the way how my lecturer had given his lectures for this subject. I would like to thank Mr. Joe for being such a nice and attentive lecturer.

Thank you =)

Below are the photos when I am conducting the interview with the businesses for the group assignment.
The owner of Cookie Box and me.

The supervisor of Mr. Siew and me.

The Ming Xiang Tai Pastry Shop Penang, Supervisor and me.

The is the Comparative Analysis of 2 Businesses of Similar Industry in Different Geographical Locations :

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